Please Note: the Agreement (as defined below) will govern the Participant’s involvement in the Program to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. Completion of the Registration Form indicates the Clients’ consent to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
1. Definitions
Academy means Layton Sports Academy Pty Ltd (ABN 55 643 360 338)
Agreement means agreement between the Clients and the Academy and includes: the Registration Form, these Terms and Conditions and the Information Sheet (if any).
Clients means the Participant and the Guardian.
Code of Conduct means the code of conduct issued by the Academy from time to time (if any).
Fee means the fee charged for participation in the Program, as specified in the Registration Form.
Guardian means the guardian of the Participant specified in the Registration Form.
Information Sheet means the information sheet for the Program attached to these Terms and Conditions (if any).
Participant means the participant specified in the Registration Form.
Program means the sports program specified in the Registration Form, as further detailed in the Information Sheet.
Registration Form means the completed registration form at the front of these Terms and Conditions.
Sport means the sport specified in the Registration Form.
2. Guardian Permission
The Guardian gives permission for the Participant to attend and participate in all sessions and activities forming part of the Program.
3. Undertaking to attend Program sessions
The Participant acknowledges that a mental and physical health maximises Program outcomes and reduces risk of injury. The Participant undertakes to attend all possible Program sessions, including counselling, and strength and conditioning sessions.
4. Payment
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Participant’s placement in the Program shall not be guaranteed until Fees for the Program have been paid in full.
5. The Academy has a no-refund policy for a change or mind or missed classes. The Academy may consider refunds upon receiving medical evidence of long-term injury preventing ongoing involvement in the Program.
6. Medical Conditions
All medical conditions affecting the Participant must be listed in the Registration Form. Additionally, the Academy must be notified of any medical conditions affecting the Participant arising during the Program.
Should a serious injury occur, the Academy will take all reasonable steps to contact one or both of the listed Emergency Contacts. Nevertheless, the Guardian hereby gives permission for the Academy to ensure the Participant receives medical attention (such as notifying ambulance services) and the Guardian agrees to pay all associated costs for such medical services.
7. Risk, Liability and Indemnity
The Clients acknowledge that the Participant participates in the Program at his or her own risk. While the Academy shall endeavour to provide care and caution against mishap, the Academy will not be liable for, and the Clients hereby release and indemnify the Academy from, any claim, action